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Leadership and Management

Leadership is solving problems. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help or concluded you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership.


Colin Powell

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Regime Values

Leaders and managers in the public administration field need to ensure they behave and also demand from their staff conduct that exemplifies ethical and fair practices. Regime values, those that champion equality, personal freedoms, rights to one's property, and due process, have sometimes been overlooked, as was the case of the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement Agency's (ICE) behavior described in this paper. The poor practice by ICE is an example of an agency that did not heed these values and serves as a good lesson for all public leaders.

Business Meeting

Leadership in Times of Crisis

Leaders of organizations understand that goals and targets are not always met due to unforeseen changes, and contingency plans must be made for unanticipated occurrences. Good mission and vision statements are critical to ensure the organization is always consciously moving in the correct direction. Overlook Hospital had both a clear mission as well as solid leadership that helped pivot and innovate during the COVID-19 health crisis that flooded the hospital with very sick patients. This is a clear example of how good leadership and management can sustain an organization in times of crisis.

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